Sunday, April 04, 2010

this one doesn't end.

Sundays, I must confess, are more fun without a nagging headache.That's just an opinion though, not really complaining.

The day's been pretty slow.And the mood's sort of unsettled.Have spent a good amount of the day listening to Indian Classical music, it calms you down somehow.It seems very typical, to say that, but it does.I mean, it puts restlessness to rest.So, I'm doing that.Settling my unsettled feelings through music.

I think there's too much happening, and I'm not even sure if I'm comfortable with what is.It becomes more difficult because there are too many opinions, people always seem to know what others should be doing.Honestly, I'm very comfortable being clueless, being confused, going with the flow and not knowing what's going to happen next.But then apparently thats not how things are meant to be.I'm not sure if I even have a problem with the hourly advices that I keep getting.I mean, it seems okay, its pretty cool if people care.But then I don't know, sometimes, I'd like to figure out things myself.Do things on my own, the way I want to, without anybody telling me what to do.


Organised Beyond Recognition said...

Contrary to popular belief life is actually very simple. Follow the principle of the reptilian brain add the little variable called money and your sorted. One must agree that Indian classical music has its upside, however naive one might be to completely ignore it, it is one of the most complex forms of music in the world.
It might seem odd that a reply to a post that more or less talks about wanting to escape the oddities of life such as being advised and advising people more or less advises but then again were all fucking hippo crates craving something or the other are we not.
I often feel one tries to explain a lot to one self but eventually forgets it because youre running the race called life and you just dont want to get left behind.
Before I end this rant let me just say, stop thinking so much, if there is something you need to do. Just do it. Fuck the world, itll follow.

Ananya said...

life is simple.I would agree.people complicate it.and as much as I blog about it, I'm sure I'd be pretty bored with an uncomplicated life myself.thats how it least for me.I can't see simple things, they don't make much sense to me anyway.complications do :)

Organised Beyond Recognition said...

To each his own i guess.
To quote Jack Handey “I hope that someday we will be able to put away our fears and prejudices and just laugh at people.”
Some people love the chaos. I am one of them. So I totally understand what you mean. Having said that life is pretty simple, how we choose to see it is our own twisted idea of how it should be.
Anyhow, this is was a good note.
Did get me thinking, not a lot of things in this life get you thinking.