Friday, December 18, 2009

the worm inside

A sigh of relief and disappointment, the lack of understanding for managerial crap is responsible for the latter.Actually I'm quite bored of my disinterest in most of the things I do.I'm bored of under-estimating myself.Well, this does not in any way mean that I'm going to change or anything, I was sorta just letting it out.
Anyhow, I'm a day closer to Pondicherry, not that I'm looking forward to it ( see, this is what I mean!!disinterest!) There are trillions of things that I'm supposed to be doing in the 24hrs that'll follow.And of these trillion things, I like only one, catching up with my friends!
Since today I got done with my papers and I had spare time to hang out with friends, my freakin' head chose to hurt like crazy, which made me want to de-attach it from my body.Nevertheless, precious time wasn't wasted.Sanjay vun was happily explored, the crescent was spotted after a lot of hard work, pornographic drawings drawn on the rocks for future reference, and some fire was lit.
Pretty much like old times, minus a few people, actually minus a lot of people.People I would've liked to meet before Pondi.
The day, like any other, was a day of learning.Today's realisation (s) were that eggs don't make good friends and second, people might not be as cool as you think they are (just a little better off than others but that's it.)One more shitty piece of learning was that virtual crushes suck! And big time.
Am too tired to explain the above, specially the part about the egg, my head can probably burst any minute.later.


X said...

Ah, Sanjay Van; and Pondi? Damn, that's a lot of fun in store I guess

Ananya said...

dude, I have a not so good feeling about pondi.and every freakin' day it increases.Hope its fun :/ (I will have lectures till 5, what am I expecting?)
And the next 15 days, I'm gonna miss sanjay van and the dhaba outside it :( :(
and this almost looks like a mail.