Thursday, October 08, 2009

the passenger

In the midst of a mildly disturbed yet seemingly pleasant atmosphere, there are a few things that I'm made to realise.It's not realisation really, it's more of recognizing an inability.
There are things that you can control and things that you can't control.It's not like when you're controlling things you're better off or anything, in fact if anything goes wrong you only have yourself to blame.Yet, not being able to do anything about a situation somehow, makes it worse.
Things don't always happen the way you want them to.People don't always do what you want them to.People think differently, behave differently.They deal with things differently.And after a point, they can't be told what to do or even, how to do it?Sometimes its annoying and most times its the feeling of helplessness that kicks in when I'm not sure of how much I can do to change things.Specially when it involves people close to me.
I find the words 'second chance' extremely dicey.It's almost like putting your trust, your emotions, at stake.But at the same time, I feel that giving up something you love so much and is worth your trust without even trying is sort of unfair.But then how do you decide who's worth your love? Is it a good idea to allow others to decide for you?
I don't know what's bothering me.The fact that there's something wrong happening and I can't do much or the stupidity attached to the entire notion of love.Who cares anyway.It's just one of those things I'll pass by.right?

1 comment:

X said...

Yeah man, things like these are tough. That's why I turned myself into a self-centred, selfish and conceited bastard. Works out much better I tell you! I'm still trying