Thursday, April 10, 2008

A thank you.

What has started is somewhat severe.Blogging.At times, I feel the urge to go and sit online.Write.terrible.Research says it makes you feel better than you usually do.might be true,might.But I also must point out how many a times it is the only thing on my mind.


Most definitely(I don't know the spelling.Is this it?) it lets a lot of things off my head.It opens up what is closed.Of late,I have written a lot without deleting matter how mindless it may be.This space gives me some sort of freedom.I have hardly given myself that.And now I'm stuck on it.I have placed myself comfortably in this sadly virtual breathing space [note to aicha:No cloning here.Accidental and unintentional usage.]

To the space that's helped me become.

1 comment:

M said...

i was talking 'mass' mentality ! are YOU part of the masses??
im not.