Clarification.Love isn't seasonal, romance is.Love, at least as I perceive, is universal.And this universality is a strange little thing to figure out.How can I possibly love someone without any condition, any judgement or any expectation? I can't.Or maybe I can.Maybe I don't realise it cause things around me are always attached to some condition or some bias.But even if I do, my point remains...its too much of a concept, this 'love'.
And that's why waiting for it seems futile.But we still do it.Cause probably, all of us want to experience that sense of 'true love' people keep talking about.And I don't know how many of us actually do.But the roots of hope in humans, go deep.
The strangeness of human emotions stay intact.They're vast and sometimes, as an extention of human emotions is no different.I don't think anyone can ever be prepared for it.It hits you.catches you unawares.And lets you down when you think you've got it all figured out.
and I guess, with the whole absurdity attached to it, the sane side of you would want to stay away and the dumber side of you would like to walk into the rosey little trap, and embrace it with open arms.
But with age, I think your practicality wins over.And you know better than letting some un-understandable feeling take a toll on you.So let's not be ready.
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