Monday, July 27, 2009

under some falling rain

In the midst of what seemed like a never ending and forced, love cum revenge story, I did manage to take out some time and enjoy the rain.Something I had been dying for.The rain feels like a blessing, not because its hot or humid or anything, just that it comes after long months of waiting, lots of prayers and blog posts.

Preoccupied with thoughts belonging to vaguely connected genres, my only distraction is the feeling of nostalgia.Memories hardly make me want to go back into the past.My school years don't make any sense to me.In terms of academics, I sucked.And eventually, I didn't even care.My friends circle was erratic.It's like, I was sort of passed on, not a very nice feeling I must say.

College, however, was different.It was adventurous, rowdy, beautiful and unforgettable.In short, fun.It gave me 'upstage', across, philosophy.My friends, a few very very special people who didn't care if the world was looking.The past three years gave me memories which are hard to forget and the deal is this, that I never really want to get over them.That IS kind of sad but then what the hell.For a change, this is a past which I don't regret, something which I'm not in a hurry to forget.These are memories which I want to keep as I grow and not leave behind.

And now that my thumb is bleeding, I think I should take care of that.

1 comment:

Raunaq said...

So you are very much fond of rain...its amazing!!!you must come down to "Kerala" you must get fascinated by its lush greenery all around the place and it lures maximum while raining.

One more advice to you..don't go back to ya past...coz past "was" past n now you are in present...if get sufficient time then think for ya future...okay!!

n How about ya cut for which you had been bleeding in thumb?

Always take care yaself. :)